Alberto Soriano Maldonado
Director de grupo
2011, BSc in Sport Sciences, University of Granada.
2012, MSc in Human Nutrition, University of Granada.
2013-2016, FPU predoc grant (ref. FPU12/00963)
2015, PhD in Biomedicine, University of Granada.
2016, MSc in Research Methodology and Statistics in Health Sciences, Autonomous University of Barcelona.
2016-2019, Assistant Professor, University of Almería.
2019- , Associate Professor, University of Almería.
2021- , Head of SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)
2022- , Member of the Management Board of the Andalusian Society of Sports Medicine (Sociedad Andaluza de Medicina del Deporte, SAMEDE)
Research interests
Exercise for the prevention and management of chronic diseases, obesity, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, systemic lupus erythematosus, fibromyalgia, mechanisms and interactions.
E-mail: asoriano@ual.es
Borja Martínez Tellez
Previous positions
2013, Bachelor of Sport Sciences at University of Granada
2014, MSc in Physical Education at University of Granada
2015, MSc in Physical Activity and Health at University of Granada
2014-2015, PhD in Biomedicine at University of Granada
2018-2022, Postdoctoral researcher at Leiden University Medical Center, the Netherlands
Current positions
2022-, Distinguished researcher-Maria Zambrano at the University of Almeria
2022-,Visiting Researcher, Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, LUMC, The Netherlands http://www.einthovenlaboratory.com/medewerkers/borja-martinez-tellez-phd/
2020-,Chief executive officer at The Voice of Science S.L. www.thevoiceofscience.net
2024-, Ramón y Cajal Research Fellow, University of Almería
2024, Winner of EASD Rising Star Symposium and EFSD Rising Star Fellowship Programme 2024: Revelling a new brown fat depot in young women with type 2 diabetes (30k)
2024, Winner of EASO Novo Nordisk New Investigator Award Winner in Clinical Research 2024: Deciphering the Molecular and Secretory Functions of a Novel and Unique Brown Adipose Tissue Depot in Women (40k, press release).
2024, Winner of Reino de Jaén 2024: Jaen ambassador, awarded by the city council of my home town (La Carolina, Jaén; press)
2024, Paper of the Year 2023 by the Dutch Society of Endocrinology and the NASO: Straat M, et al Cell Reports Medicine.
Research interests
Understanding the molecular mechanisms that might explain how exercise improves cardiometabolic health.
E-mail: borjammt@ual.es
Fernando Estévez-López
- 2010, BSc in Sport Sciences at University of Granada (Spain)
- 2014, MSc in Neurosciences at University of Granada (Spain)
- 2018, PhD in Health Psychology at Utrecht University (the Netherlands)
- 2018, PhD in Biomedicine at University of Granada (Spain)
Previous positions
- 2015 to 2018, FPI PhD student, University of Granada (Spain) and Utrecht University (the Netherlands)
- 2018 to 2020, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoc, Erasmus Medical Center (the Netherlands)
Current positions
- Since 2023, Ramón y Cajal Fellow, University of Almería (Spain)
- Since 2021, Postdoctoral researcher at Harvard University (USA). Web: https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/profile/fernando-estevez-lopez/
Research interests
Prevention and management of somatic symptoms (including pain and fatigue), in children and adolescents. In this field, I lead epidemiological research in order to inform the development of evidence-based interventions.
Manuel A. Rodríguez Pérez
2000, BSc in Sport Sciences, University of Granada.
2010, PhD, University of Almería.
2010. Cycling Coach. RFEC.
2013. Certified Personal Trainer. NSCA-CPT.
2015. Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. CSCS-NSCA.
2017, MSc in Peak Performances, UCAM and COEa.
2016-2021, Assistant Professor, University of Almería.
2021- , Associate Professor, University of Almería.
Research interests:
Sports Performance, Resistance Training, Sports Sciences.
E-mail: manolo.rodriguez@ual.es
Pablo J. Marcos-Pardo
2004, Bachelor of Science in Physical Activity and Sport. Catholic University of Murcia.
2004, University Specialist in High Performance Sports. Catholic University of Murcia.
2006, Master in Aquatic Activities. University of Valencia.
2007, University Expert in Personal and Sports Training. University of Alicante.
2010, PhD in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences. Miguel Hernández University of Elche.
2020, Professor of the University of Almeria.
2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, Founder and Coordinator of the research network "Active Aging, Exercise and Health / HEALTHY-AGE" of the Consejo Superior de Deportes (CSD) of the Government of Spain. https://www.healthyagenet.org/es/.
Research interests
Healthy aging
Fitness, motivation, health and quality of life
Aquatic activities
E-mail: pjmarcos@ual.es
Antonio García de Alcaraz Serrano
2005, BSc in Sport Sciences, University of Granada
2008, MSc in Physical Activity and Sport, University of Granada
2013, PhD in Sport Science, University of Murcia
2014-2017, Assistant Professor, Technical University of Madrid
2016, Scouting cooperation in Olympic Games (Spanish beach volleyball teams)
2017, International Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Degree (Level I)
2018-, Assistant Professor, University of Almería
Research interests
Performance analysis in team sports, monitoring, strength, inertial measurement units, teaching and player development.
E-mail: galcaraz@ual.es
Alejandro Pérez Castilla
2015, BSc in Sport Sciences, University of Granada.
2016, MSc in Physical Education, University of Granada.
2017, MSc in Research in Sport and Physical Activity, University of Granada.
2016-2022, FPU predoc grant.
2020, PhD in Biomedicine, University of Granada.
2020-2022, Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Granada.
2022- , Associate Professor, University of Almería.
Research interests
Exercise testing; sport biomechanics; sport performance; strength & conditioning; motor control; velocity-based resistance training.
Javier Salvador Morales Rojas
2003, Bachelor of Nursing at University of Almería
2013, Bachelor of Sport Sciences at University of Granada
2014, MSc in Physical Activity and Health at European University of Madrid
2015, MSc in Integrative Physiology and at University of Barcelona
2019, PhD in Physical Activity and Sport at European University of Madrid
Previous positions
2021-2023, Postdoctoral researcher at University of Cádiz
Current positions
Since 2024, Postdoctoral researcher (HIPATIA) at University of Almería.
Co-founder and Co-director of the scientific platform Fissac (www.fissac.com).
Research interests
Child and youth health in general, with a particular focus on childhood cancer.
E-mail: javiersalvador.morales@ual.es
Juan M. A. Alcántara
2012. BSc in Teaching – Physical Education at University of Córdoba (Spain)
2014. BSc in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences at Catholic University of Valencia (Spain)
2015. MSc in Research in Physical Activity and Health at University of Granada (Spain)
2020. PhD in Biomedicine at University of Granada (Spain)
Previous positions
2016 to 2020. FPU PhD student. University of Granada (Spain)
2021 to 2022. Contrato Puente – Plan Propio UGR Postdoc. University of Granada (Spain)
2022 to 2024. Juan de la Cierva – Formación Postdoc. Public University of Navarre (Spain)
Current positions
2025. Ramón y Cajal Fellow, University of Almería (Spain)
Research interests
Improving the methodologies of indirect calorimetry and heart rate variability assessments within lifestyle interventions, aiming to advance our understanding of energy metabolism and autonomic regulation during rest, exercise, and the postprandial state.
Elena Martínez Rosales
2017, BSc in Exercise Science.
2018, Master in Physical Activity and Sport research.
2018-2019, Young Researcher contract under European funds for the EFIBAR project.
2019-2023, FPU fellowship for PhD Students.
2023, PhD in Medical Sciences at University of Almería.
Research interests
Physical Activity Epidemiology, Sport Sciences, Obesity, Heart Rate Variability.
E-mail: emr809@ual.es
Alba Hernández Martínez
2017, BSc in Sport Sciences.
2018, Master in Physical Activity and Sport Research.
2019-2024, Gerty Cori predoc grant for PhD Students.
2024, PhD in Education at University of Almería.
Research interests
Physical Activity Epidemiology, Sport Sciences, Obesity, Cardiovascular diseases.
E-mail: albaherzm@ual.es
Rafael Prieto Moreno
PhD in Biomedicine (2023), University of Granada, Spain. Thesis title: Tele-rehabilitation and health education for patients with a hip fracture and their informal caregivers: feasibility and effectiveness of the ActiveHip+ program. Promotor: Ariza-Vega P.
MSc in Research and Advances in Preventive Medicine and Public Health (2019), University of Granada, Spain.
BSc in Occupational Therapy Sciences (2017), University of Granada, Spain.
Previous position
2023 to 2024: Post doc fellow in the EULAR taskforce HPR051:EULAR Implementation of a mHealth system for the self-management of juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases during transitional care: a patient-centered approach. The Move-Up project.
2020 to 2023. Pre-doc fellow at Andalusian Public Foundation for Biosanitary Research of Eastern Andalusia Alejandro Otero, linked to the European project ActiveHip+: Activating older people after a hip fracture.
2018 to 2019 (18 months): Pre-doc fellow at Department of Physical Education and Sport, University of Granada, Spain.
04/09/2017 to 16/09/2017 (2 weeks): Occupational therapist at Residence for the Elderly Asociación Edad Dorada Mensajeros de la Paz Andalucía
Current position
2024-2026: Juan de la Cierva Fellow, University of Almeria (Spain)
2023-2027: Member of the EULAR HPR Committee
Research interest
Development and implementation of electronic health (eHealth) systems, including mobile health (mHealth) and webpages, to improve the quality of care and the accessibility of care across different populations as young people with juvenile-onset rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases or older people with hip fracture.
E-mail: rpm948@ual.es
David Manuel Díez Fernández
2016-2017, Education Department Collaboration Fellowship, University of Almería (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, Government of Spain)
2017, BSc in Sport Science (University of Almería)
2018, MSc in Sports Performance (Pablo de Olavide University)
2018, Specialist in Sport Science (University of Almería)
2018-2019, Young Researcher contract, Pablo de Olavide University (European Funds). Research group member SEJ-505 Physical and Sports Performance
2019-2020, Research fellowship for the EFICAN project, University of Almería (UALTransfiere, PMD Almería)
2020-current, PhD Candidate (FPU), University of Almería Spain (Ministry of Universities, Government of Spain). Research group member CTS-1024 Sport Research Group
Research interests
Sports Performance, Resistance Training, Sports Sciences, Cancer, Health-related quality of life; Muscular strength
E-mail: daviddiez@ual.es
Andrés Baena Raya
2018, BSc in Exercise Science.
2019, Master in Physical Education.
2020, Master in Sports Performance.
2020-2021, research contract for the EFICAN project, University of Almería.
2021-current, Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU) grant for PhD Students.
Research interests
Sports Performance, Resistance Training, Sports Sciences.
E-mail: abr589@ual.es
Laura López Sánchez
2018, BSc in Exercise Science
2019, Master in Physical Activity and Sport Research
2018-2019, UALtransfierE fellowship for the Newme project
2020-current, FPI Fellowship for PhD students
Research interests
Physical Activity Epidemiology, Sport Sciences, Obesity, Sleep.
E-mail: lls787@ual.es
Alba Esteban Simón
2019, BSc in Exercise Science.
2020, Msc in Physical Activity and Sport research.
2020-2021, research contract for the EMOVAR project, University of Almería.
2021, Msc in Physical Education Teaching.
2022 (Feb-Ago), Acting Assistant Professor, University of Almería.
2022 (Sept)- Current, PhD Student and AECC predoc grant.
Research interests
Resistance Training, Breast cancer, Health-related quality of life.
E-mail: aes167@ual.es
David Ruiz González
2020, BSc in Exercise Science, University of Almería.
2021, MSc in Medicine and Health Sciences research, University of Almería.
2024, BSc in Physiotherapy, University of Almería.
2021-2022 , Contract for Young Researchers, Technical Support and Management Staff. University of Almeria.
2022-current, PhD Student (FPU), University of Almería (Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities).
Research interests
Sport Sciences, Exercise Physiology, Musculoskeletal Disorders, Cardiovascular Diseases
E-mail: drg703@ual.es
Sergio Sánchez López
2016, BSc in Sport Sciences, University de Almería.
2017, Master in Physical and Sport Performance, Pablo de Olavide University.
2019, National Handball Coach.
2019, Conditional Coach at Veszprém Handball Team.
2021 – currently, Assistant Professor, International University Isabel I.
Research interests
Performance Analysis, Handball, Team Sports, Strength.
E-mail: ssl832@inlumine.ual.es
Antonio Manuel Garcia Llorente
2014, BSc in Exercise Sciences
2015, C1 Certificate in French Language (DALF)
2017-2021, Clinical Exercise Specialist for the National Health Services (NHS) of the United Kingdom
2021, MSc in Cardiac Health and Rehabilitation
2021, C2 Certificate in English Language (CAE-Cambridge)
2022, MSC in Research in Medicine and Health Sciences
Research interests
Clinical rehabilitation, exercise for chronic populations and healthy aging.
Email: amgll1991@gmail.com
Miguel Angel Casimiro Artés
2020, BSc in Statistics and Operations Research, University of Granada.
2020-, Statistician & Big Data Specialist in Realtrack Systems (WIMU).
2021, MSc in Sports Big Data, San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM).
2022, MSc in Management and Analysis of Large Volumes of Data: Big Data, Miguel de Cervantes European University.
2022-, Member of SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)
Research interests
Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Elite Sport, Physical Performance, Health.
Email: miguelangelcasimiroartes@gmail.com
Samuel Ruiz Campos
2022, BSc in Sport Sciences at University of Almería.
2024, MSc in Physical Education at University of Almería.
2024, MSc in Sport Research at University of Almería.
2024-, UALtransfierE fellowship for the GIBIOTICS project
Research interests
Exercise Physiology, Metabolism, Microbiota
Email: src653@inlumine.ual.es
Joaquín Sánchez Gómez
2020, BSc in Biology at University of Seville.
2021, MSc in Fundamental and Translational Neuroscience at University Pablo de Olavide.
2024-, FPI Fellowship for PHD students.
Research interests
Metabolism, Brown Adipose Tissue (BAT)
Email: jsg020@ual.es
Francesco Livigni Moya
2020, BSc in Physical Exercise and Sports Science, University of Almería.
2021, MSc in High Performance in Cyclical Sports, University of Murcia.
2023, MSc in Physical Exercise and Sports Research, University of Almería
2024, Level III Cycling Sports Director, RFEC.
Research interests
Physical Exercise Science; Sports Science; Human Performance; Exercise Physiology
Email: flm489@ual.es
Sergio Sola Rodríguez
2017, BSc in Exercise Science.
2018, Master in Physical Activity and Sport research.
2020-2021, research contract for the EJERCITALES project, Hospital Virgen de las Nieves, Granada.
Research interests
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Sport Sciences, Obesity, Physical Fitness.
E-mail: sergiosola95@gmail.com
Alejandro Carretero-Ruiz
2017, BSc in Exercise Science.
2018, Master in Physical Activity and Sport Sciences.
2022, PhD, University of Almería
E-mail: alejandrocarreteroruiz@gmail.com
Miguel Ángel Araque Martínez
2007, BSc in Physical Education Teaching (University of Jaén).
2010, BSc in Sport Sciences (University of Granada).
2012, Master in Physical Education Teaching (University of Granada).
2020, PhD in Exercise Science (University of Almería).
Research interests
Physical exercise in older adults, healthy aging, sport sciences.
E-mail: miguelangelaraquemartinez@gmail.com