Un profesor de la UAL en los Juegos de París con el equipo español de vóley playa

Antonio García de Alcaraz, docente e investigador del Grado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte, ha participado como preparador físico del equipo olímpico: “Para mí es muy importante que nuestros alumnos vean la proyección que pueden tener” “La verdad que yo creo que toda persona que haya hecho deporte, en mayor o […]

Un profesor de la UAL en los Juegos de París con el equipo español de vóley playa Read More "

Andalusian researchers develop software to improve the lives of people who have suffered a stroke

La aplicación Dynamics es una ayuda para la rehabilitación neurológica de pacientes de ictus La Inteligencia Artificial irrumpe en el mundo de la medicina para mejorar la vida de los pacientes. Según informa Ana Martín en Noticias Cuatro, ahora se están centrando los esfuerzos en los pacientes que hayan sufrido un ictus. Investigadores de varias

Andalusian researchers develop software to improve the lives of people who have suffered a stroke Read More "

Science on the track' in search of analyzing Unicaja's maximum neuromuscular capacity

Six researchers of the 'Sport Research Group', all of them also teachers of the Degree of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences of the University of Almeria (UAL), have collaborated with the Unicaja Costa de Almeria Volleyball Club to carry out a study that they define as "science on the court" and that analyzes the maximum neuromuscular capacities of two squads.

Science on the track' in search of analyzing Unicaja's maximum neuromuscular capacity Read More "

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Succinate, a small molecule identifiable in blood, shown to help predict cardiovascular disease in young people

Researchers from the University of Granada (UGR) and the Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV) in Tarragona have identified that blood levels of a small molecule, succinate, could help identify young individuals at high risk of cardiovascular disease. The study offers novel insights into the field of risk biomarkers.

Succinate, a small molecule identifiable in blood, shown to help predict cardiovascular disease in young people Read More "

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Effects of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in neurodegenerative disorders.

Neurodegenerative disorders are associated with reduced levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF). The results of a meta-analysis have recently been published (Ruiz-Gonzalez et al, 2021; Neurosci Biobehav 1-jun; doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.05.025) which aimed to evaluate the effect of exercise interventions on plasma BDNF levels in people with neurodegenerative disorders.

Effects of exercise on brain-derived neurotrophic factor in neurodegenerative disorders. Read More "

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Scientifically prove that women's hands and feet get colder after eating than men's.

Researchers from the University of Granada UGR point out that women have a much more efficient thermoregulatory system than men in response to food. The study, published in the journal Clinical Nutrition, involved 104 men and women, whose skin temperature was measured before and after eating. In a room

Scientifically prove that women's hands and feet get colder after eating than men's. Read More "

The UAL studies the determinants of the speed of the backhand and serve with Unicaja

Under the original title of 'The force-velocity profile as determinant of spike and serve ball speed in top-level male volleyball players', and achieving a great international repercussion, a novel research has been made public that will contribute a lot to volleyball. Being a sport modality extremely specific in its physical preparation, the results obtained offer

The UAL studies the determinants of the speed of the backhand and serve with Unicaja Read More "

Few women lead in sports science: reversing the trend (The Conversation Spain)

The assertion that women have had a lower presence than men in scientific research is not new. We have evidence that women have been clearly underrepresented in experimental sciences, engineering and medicine, among other fields of knowledge. A study by the University of Almeria now demonstrates that

Few women lead in sports science: reversing the trend (The Conversation Spain) Read More "

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UGR study shows that exercise improves intestinal microbiota

UGR researchers conducted the most comprehensive systematic review to date on this topic, analyzing 18 scientific articles The results show a positive association between physical activity and aerobic capacity on microbial diversity and composition, while exercise interventions appear to positively influence microbial composition

UGR study shows that exercise improves intestinal microbiota Read More "

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Healthy-Age multidomain intervention program. Recommendations for healthy aging

From the research network on "Active aging, exercise and health /HEALTHY-AGE" we want to show our gratitude to the journal Science, Culture and Sport (CCD) for accepting for publication the work developed by a group of our researchers. Already in CCD: https://ccd.ucam.edu/index.php/revista/article/view/1743 Healthy-Age multidomain intervention program. Recommendations for healthy aging: by the Healthy-Age Network.

Healthy-Age multidomain intervention program. Recommendations for healthy aging Read More "

Your gut bacteria... They train too!

Physical exercise, through as yet unknown molecular mechanisms, is capable of improving human cardiometabolic health. Our intestine is inhabited by trillions of bacteria that form the intestinal flora. Different studies have shown that these small cohabitants that exist in our intestine are capable of influencing our metabolic health, since

Your gut bacteria... They train too! Read More "

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What influences the academic performance of adolescents?

Sleep quality, Mediterranean diet and cardiorespiratory endurance influence academic performance and cognition during adolescence. A new study conducted in Spain reveals new effects of regular physical activity and the adoption of a healthy lifestyle on physical and cognitive health in adolescents.

What influences the academic performance of adolescents? Read More "


The UAL studies the most determinant mechanical properties for performance in changes of direction in athletes

Researchers at the University of Almeria have conducted a rigorous study to examine the association of the mechanical variables of vertical and horizontal force-velocity profile and acceleration with change of direction ability in various sports. A total of fifty-four male athletes volunteered to participate in this study.

The UAL studies the most determinant mechanical properties for performance in changes of direction in athletes Read More "

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UAL seeks to improve quality of life after breast cancer through physical exercise

More than fifty women participate in an adapted training program. This initiative, whose methodology is published in the prestigious international journal 'Medicine', is coordinated by the Sport Research Group (CTS-1024) and funded by the Patronado Municipal de Deportes de Almería and the Vicerrectorado de Investigación Almería, 11/11/19.

UAL seeks to improve quality of life after breast cancer through physical exercise Read More "

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Strength training for healthy aging

Performing strength training with moderate to high loads provides in just 12 weeks improvements in functional capacity, body composition and strength in people aged between 65 and 75 years. Gema Suárez Mellado This has been shown in a study carried out by researchers from the Faculty of Sport at the University of Barcelona.

Strength training for healthy aging Read More "

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Is it really necessary to take 10,000 steps a day? The Conversation Spain.

Hominids have been walking upright for about 4.4 million years. Zumba or crossfit have only been with us for a couple of decades. The great variety of offers for physical exercise, together with the anglicisms and cool terms that have crept into the fitness industry, make us forget that

Is it really necessary to take 10,000 steps a day? The Conversation Spain. Read More "

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UAL and UGR pave the way to improve the lives of lupus patients through an exercise program

The EJERCITALES Project consists of a 12-week training program created 'ex profeso' to test its effect on subclinical arteriosclerosis and inflammation characteristic of this population, published in two journals of high scientific impact, and in view of the results obtained, it is only a 'beginning' for further research. As a result of the collaboration of researchers

UAL and UGR pave the way to improve the lives of lupus patients through an exercise program Read More "

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Study shows that performing household chores may improve cardiovascular health in obese men

Research involving the University of Granada, carried out with 2698 subjects between 25 and 79 years of age, reveals that those people who regularly engage in domestic physical activity, such as sweeping, mopping or cooking, have a better cardiovascular profile.

Study shows that performing household chores may improve cardiovascular health in obese men Read More "

What applications does the latest Nobel Prize-winning discovery in medicine have for physical exercise?

Have you ever wondered why spicy food, even when cold, gives you a burning sensation in your mouth, or why peppermint cools your mouth? All these physiological responses are explained by transient receptor potentials, the so-called "TRP channels". The discoverers of this biological landmark have won the

What applications does the latest Nobel Prize-winning discovery in medicine have for physical exercise? Read More "

Definitive commitment to healthy living at the University of Almeria with 'UAL Healthy' UAL News

The CTS-1024 Group carries out a free pilot study of population-based research on the physical condition of the PAS/PDI and their relatives that culminates with direct transfer of the results to the users: "We rely on data so that the effort they make does not remain in the air". This was stated by the UAL researcher, Enrique

Definitive commitment to healthy living at the University of Almeria with 'UAL Healthy' UAL News Read More "

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Regardless of physical activity, eating eggs is not associated with high cholesterol levels in adolescents.

Although at the end of the 20th century it was maintained that eating more than two eggs a week increased cholesterol, in recent years experts have been debunking this myth. Now, a new study concludes that eating more eggs is not associated with higher plasma cholesterol in adolescents, regardless of their cholesterol level.

Regardless of physical activity, eating eggs is not associated with high cholesterol levels in adolescents. Read More "