SPORT Research Group-blanco

Javier Morales, investigador del SPORT Research Group, galardonado con el I Premio de Divulgación Científica de la UAL y el Consejo Social
Javier Morales, investigador del SPORT Research Group, galardonado con el I Premio de Divulgación Científica de la UAL y el Consejo Social
The University of Almeria y el Consejo Social han otorgado el I Premio de Divulgación Científica a Javier Morales, investigador posdoctoral HIPATIA, por su destacada labor en Fissac. Esta plataforma, reconocida como un referente en la divulgación de las ciencias de la salud, ha logrado acercar el conocimiento científico a la sociedad con un enfoque crítico y accesible. Por su parte, Borja Martínez ha sido distinguido con un accésit por su proyecto Methub, centrado en el estudio y la divulgación del metabolismo y la fisiología humana.
Un investigador del SPORT Research Group recibe el VI Premio a la Investigación ‘Alicia Koplowitz’
Un investigador del SPORT Research Group recibe el VI Premio a la Investigación ‘Alicia Koplowitz’

Fer Estévez-López, investigador Ramón y Cajal de la University of Almeria y del Hospital universitario Torrecárdenas, ha sido galardonado por su trabajo en salud mental y cerebral infantojuvenil. Su investigación aporta un hallazgo muy novedoso: los niveles de actividad física en la niñez se relacionan con el tamaño de la amígdala en la adolescencia. Esta estructura cerebral es clave para la regulación emocional, el manejo del estrés, el aprendizaje y la socialización.

SPORT Research Group researchers demonstrate the benefits of combining physical exercise and diet on fertility in women with obesity
Investigadores de SPORT Research Group demuestran los beneficios de combinar ejercicio físico y dieta en la fertilidad de mujeres con obesidad

This is the conclusion reached by the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) of the University of California, Berkeley. University of Almeria. The study highlights the importance of a healthy lifestyle as a fundamental part of infertility treatment in overweight or obese women, by increasing the ovulation rate.

Researchers confirm importance of physical activity for people living with lupus
Investigadores confirman la importancia de la actividad física para las personas que viven con lupus

Alberto Soriano Maldonado, director of the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024), has taken part in an international working group that has elaborated the new physical activity recommendations for people with lupuswhich highlight its great health benefits.

Borja Martinez wins EASO-Novo Nordisk award
Borja Martínez gana el premio EASO-Novo Nordisk

Borja Martínez wins the award EASO-Novo Nordisk for Best Young Clinical Investigator in Europe which will be presented to him in mid-May during the 31st European Congress on Obesity in Venice. This recognition rewards Borja's outstanding career in the field of brown adipose tissue, where he has achieved national and international recognition.

Borja Martínez Téllez receives the award for great talent from Jaén at the Reino de Jaén Sierra Morena-Comarca Norte Awards
Borja Martínez Téllez recibe el premio del gran talento jiennense en los Premios Reino de Jaén Sierra Morena-Comarca Norte

Recognition in Guarromán to the trajectory and legacy of the prophets of the land, among them Borja Martínez Téllez, in the initiative of JAÉN Newspaper.

Alba Hernández defends her Doctoral Thesis
Alba Hernández defiende su Tesis Doctoral

Alba Hernández defends her excellent doctoral thesis entitled "Lifestyle, cardiovascular risk factors, and mortality in Spain: the role of the American Heart Association algorithms".

Borja Martinez wins a "Ramon y Cajal Research" contract
Borja Martínez logra un contrato de «Investigación Ramón y Cajal»

Our partner Borja Martínez Téllez, has been awarded a "Ramón y Cajal Research" contract.. This five-year contract will deepen our understanding of a new reservoir of brown adipose tissue in the human body, a type of fat that primarily consumes energy and releases heat.

I International Congress on Women and Sport
I Congreso Internacional de Mujer y Deporte

Elena Martínez participated as a speaker at the I International Congress on Women and Sport held at the University of Valencia by the Catedra Donna i Sport on October 27th and 28th. The papers dealt with "Gender gap in leadership positions in the Sciences of Physical Activity and Sport" and "Sexual function after a physical exercise program in women with severe obesity who have received bariatric surgery: EMOVAR study".

SPORT Research Group organizes the 8th EXERNET Symposium
El grupo SPORT Research Group organiza el VIII Simposio EXERNET

The SPORT Research Group organized the 8th EXERNET Symposium "Physical exercise for health throughout life" on October 20th and 21st. This event was highlighted by the presentation of papers of exceptional quality in the field of physical activity and health. In addition, participants had the opportunity to enjoy an evening cultural tour of the city center and the Alcazaba.

Sport Research Group attends the 2nd International Congress on Optimization of Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance
Sport Research Group acude al II Congreso Internacional de Optimización del Entrenamiento de la Fuerza y Rendimiento Neuromuscular

Members of Sport Research Group CTS 1024, attended the II International Congress on Optimization of Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance at the University Camilo José Cela in Madrid, participating as a scientific committee, presenting papers on the latest research and giving workshops on Speed Load profile and horizontal VF profile.

The SPORT Research Group team at the researcher's night@s🧑‍🔬👩‍🔬
El equipo SPORT Research Group en la noche de l@s investigador@s🧑‍🔬👩‍🔬

One more year the SPORT Research Group team participates in the night of the researchers to make known to the people of Almeria the research in physical activity sciences that is developed in the group.

SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) team goes on vacation
El equipo del SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) se va de vacaciones

After a very intense course, full of successes, and also with some defeats, the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) team is going on vacation! See you in September!

Elena Martínez gets a 9-month bridging contract after defending her doctoral thesis.
Elena Martínez consigue un Contrato Puente de 9 meses tras defender su Tesis Doctoral

Elena Martínez is awarded a 9-month Bridge Contract at the University of Almería after defending her excellent Doctoral Thesis entitled "Heart rate variability in clinical populations: methodological aspects and effects of exercise interventions".

PhD position available
PhD position available

Hiring a PhD student (4 year salary) at the university of Almería to work on the project titled "Deciphering the molecular and secretory functions of a novel and unique brown adipose tissue depot in women" lead by Borja Martínez Téllez

Alberto Soriano receives the Award of the Social Council of the UAL
Alberto Soriano recoge el Premio del Consejo Social de la UAL

Alberto Soriano received the UAL Social Council Award for the trajectory of young researchers in the group of areas of Social and Legal Sciences, Arts and Humanities, for his work on the role of physical exercise on health and quality of life in people with chronic diseases.

SPORT Research Group participates in the 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences held in Paris.
SPORT Research Group participa en el 28º Congreso Anual del Colegio Europeo de Ciencias del Deporte celebrado en París

A large part of the SPORT Research Group team actively participated in the 28th Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences held in Paris. It was a fantastic experience in which we were able to share the results of our work and add knowledge from great experts in the field of physical exercise and health.

Alba Hernández wins second place in the Thesis in 3 Minutes contest
Alba Hernández consigue el segundo puesto en el concurso Tesis en 3 Minutos

Alba Hernández wins second place in the Thesis in 3 Minutes contest organized by the Secretariat of Scientific Dissemination and the International Doctoral School (EIDUAL) and held at the Apolo Theater in Almería.

The SPORT Research Group will design and validate a virtual reality software for stroke patients.
El SPORT Research Group diseñará y validará un software de realidad virtual para pacientes con ictus

The SPORT Research Group, together with the UGR and the Torrecárdenas and Virgen de las Nieves hospitals, will participate from October 2022 to the end of 2025 in the development of a virtual reality software to reduce disability and improve the quality of life of patients who have suffered a stroke. The main novelty of the software will be that it will be gamified (game-based), completely immersive, and specific for stroke patients. Led by Alberto Soriano, our group will participate in a clinical trial with the aim of validating the software for use in stroke patients.

Fernando Estévez, new Ramón y Cajal researcher in the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)
Fernando Estévez, nuevo investigador Ramón y Cajal en el SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)

Fernando Estévez-López gets a Ramón y Cajal contract at the UAL and joins our research group opening a new line of physical activity and chronic pain in children.

AGESPORT Award for Equality in Sport granted to members of the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)
Concedido Premio AGESPORT a la Igualdad en el Deporte a miembros del SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)

Tato and Alberto collect the Award AGESPORT (Andalusian Association of Sports Managers) to EQUALITY in SPORT for the project "Physical Activity and Breast Cancer". This is an award to an excellent team of professionals and students who have been working for more than 3 years to bring physical exercise to >150 women who have gone through breast cancer in the province of Almeria. A project of present and future. Many thanks to the entities and institutions that finance and support the program. Municipal Sports Board of AlmeriaUniversity of Almeria

Borja Martínez-Téllez represents Spain at Falling Walls Lab [Berlin].
Borja Martínez-Téllez representa a España en Falling Walls Lab [Berlín]

SPORT Research Group researcher Borja Martínez-Téllez represents Spain in the world phase of the prestigious scientific dissemination contest "Falling Walls Lab 2022" with the presentation entitled "Breaking the walls of exercise mimetics". Watch video

The SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) evaluates Unicaja Almeria Volleyball
El SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) evalúa a Unicaja Almería de Voleibol

The SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024) led by Manolo Rodríguez, Alejandro Pérez, Andrés Baena, David Díez and Antonio García, evaluates Unicaja Almería Volleyball as part of a research project that aims to determine the relationship between maximum neuromuscular capacities and performance in specific volleyball actions. This information will also be useful for the coaching staff to make decisions regarding the training of this elite team. See complete news

Pablo J. Marcos, member of the Andalusian Physical Exercise Prescription Plan.
Pablo J. Marcos, miembro del Plan Andaluz de Prescripción de Ejercicio Físico

Pablo J. Marcos, from the SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024), has been selected as a member of the team of professionals to elaborate the Andalusian Physical Exercise Prescription Plan. The first meeting was held at the Andalusian School of Public Health (Granada). The mission is ambitious and enormously important for society.

1st International Congress on Optimization of Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance
I Congreso Internacional sobre Optimización del Entrenamiento de Fuerza y Rendimiento Neuromuscular

The SPORT Research Group was present at the I International Congress on Optimization of Strength Training and Neuromuscular Performance with two papers (Alejandro Pérez and Manolo Rodríguez), an oral communication (Andrés Baena) and several posters (Alba Hernández, David Díez and Alberto Soriano). In addition, the 1st Prize for the best poster was awarded for the work entitled "Reliability of a novel curvilinear sprint test in basketball".

SPORT Research Group at Researchers' Night
SPORT Research Group en la Noche de l@s Investigador@s

The SPORT Research Group team evaluates the physical condition of the population of Almeria and provides comparative information for each person with respect to individuals of the same sex and age, to highlight the importance of having medium/high levels of cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness.

SPORT Research Group at the ECSS 2022 (Seville)
SPORT Research Group at the ECSS 2022 (Seville)

From August 30 to September 2, a sub-delegation of the SPORT Research Group (from left to right Alberto, Andrés, David R, Alba H, Alba E, and David D) travels to Seville to learn from the best researchers in the world at the XXVII Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Sciences 2022.

Trainingym Building Resilience (Rafa Martos) Antonio Casimiro on how to take action:
Trainingym Building Resilience (Rafa Martos) Antonio Casimiro sobre cómo pasar a la acción:

In this chapter of Trainingym Building Resilience, we are joined by the graduate and doctor in Physical Education, teacher and honorary member of the Baltic Academy of Educational Sciences, Antonio Jesús Casimiro. He talks to us about the keys to take action and overcome this scenario: Accepting, attending, learning and daring. Click here...

Interview on TVE's Saber Vivir program.
Entrevista en el programa Saber Vivir de TVE

The TVE program Saber Vivir echoes our project of Emotional Education and physical activity. Click here...

Interview with Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar
Entrevista a Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar
Open future. Sport and health (RNE)
Futuro abierto. Deporte y salud (RNE)

This week we talk about the importance of exercise in our lives with Andreu Raya Demidoffpresident of the NGO Sport for Education and Health, and Antonio Jesús Casimiro AndújarD. in Physical Education, full professor at the University of Almeria, physical trainer and personal coach, and José Antonio Sande MartínezPhysical Education teacher and emotional therapist, both authors of the book Reactivate: Less medication and more movement. Click here...

React. More movement, less medication | Interview with Antonio Casimiro and José Sande. Tú Mismo Magazine
Reactívate. Más movimiento, menos medicamento | Entrevista a Antonio Casimiro y José Sande. Revista Tú Mismo

Antonio Jesús Casimiro Andújar, degree and doctorate in Physical Education. Professor at the University of Almeria. Physical trainer and personal coach of high performance athletes. José Antonio Sande Martínez is a teacher, writer, researcher, disseminator and flower therapist, as well as director of the Noray Flower Therapy Center. Both are authors of "Reactívate. Less medication and more movement", published by Desclée De Brouwer. We talk about its content and proposal below. Click here...

Talking about the research trajectory...
Hablando sobre la trayectoria investigadora…

Podcast talking about the research trajectory. Un Poleo Con Sonso (30 minutes). Click here...

How to improve your microbiota without myths (FitMan Power Radio podcast)
Cómo mejorar tu microbiota sin mitos (podcast Radio FitMan Power)

Podcast- How to improve your microbiota without myths on FitMan Power Radio (43 minutes). Click here...

Activate brown fat and expend calories Truth or Hoax?
Activar la grasa parda y gastar calorías ¿Verdad o Bulo?

Podcast - Activate brown fat and expend calories Truth or Hoax? On FitMan Power Radio (36 minutes). Click here...

PhD Talks: Borja Martínez Téllez, PhD in Biomedicine by the University of Granada
PhD Talks: Borja Martínez Téllez, PhD en Biomedicina por la Universidad de Granada

Interview with Borja Martínez Téllez, PhD in Biomedicine from the University of Granada, who tells us about the options we have within the Academy, how to seek funding and be independent researchers, how to write a project for a grant, where to find the most prestigious grants? Click here...

Training for LIFE: Manel Valcarce with Antonio J. Casimiro
Entrenar para la VIDA: Manel Valcarce con Antonio J. Casimiro

In today's video we talk with Antonio J. Casimiro, Bachelor and PhD in Physical Education, University Professor (UAL), about the importance of training for life, from a holistic, physical, mental and emotional balance. Click here...

Webinar with Felipe Pascual for Sano TV
Webinar junto a Felipe Pascual para Sano TV

Talk about healthy habits with the CEO of the Sano Center franchise. How the pandemic has affected us and why today, more than ever before, we need to introduce the concept of holistic health into our lives. Click here...

Breast cancer and sports (informative video)
Cáncer de mama y deporte (video divulgativo)

Informative video of the Breast Cancer and Sport program. Click here...

EFICAN Project
Proyecto EFICAN

Report on Canal Sur about the EFICAN project [minute 24:05 to 29:35]: Click here

Thermoregulation and brown fat in OWA
Termorregulación y grasa parda en OWA

Podcast talking about Thermoregulation and brown fat in OWA (30 minutes). Click here...

Onda Cero interview on the Lupus research line (minute 23:30)
Entrevista Onda Cero sobre la línea de investigación de Lupus (minuto 23:30)

Onda Cero interview on the Lupus research line (minute 23:30). Click here...

Interview: Volley Junkies Platform Volleyball
Entrevista: Platafoma Volley Junkies

Live Volleyball Sessions: Dr. Antonio Garcia de Alcaraz Discussion on Sports Science (court and beach), and Physical Training. Click here...

Health in your hands - Delaying the aging process
La salud en tus manos – Retrasar el envejecimiento

La Salud en tus Manos is a program dedicated to the promotion of healthy lifestyle habits, knowledge of diseases and their repercussions on the individual from a social point of view. Dr. Juan Madrid directs and hosts the program. Click here...

Obesity trial after bariatric surgery (Youtube Canal Sur Almería)
Ensayo sobre obesidad tras una cirugía bariátrica (Youtube Canal Sur Almería)

To know whether or not physical exercise is beneficial in obese patients who have undergone bariatric surgery is the objective of a clinical trial launched by the Torrecárdenas Hospital and the University of Almería. Click here...

An egg a day? Interview in a radio program of "Radio Euskadi".
loaf, ham, tighter max-2796393.jpg

An egg a day? Interview in a radio program of "Radio Euskadi" by Teresa Yuste about the results of the study "Egg Intake and Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adolescents: Role of Physical Activity; The Helena Study", published in the journal "Nutrición Hospitalaria"...Listen to

SPORT Research Group-blanco

SPORT Research Group (CTS-1024)
Carr. Sacramento, s/n, 04120 La Cañada, Almería.